Friday, October 16, 2009

Looking for a job.....

I'll be honest I've been looking for a job for 2 years. I've never had a career except motherhood, which is worth squat in the job market. But I have worked some good jobs in my past. My bitch today is about job applications. In this age of computer and the internet what is the deal with these companies and their stupid worthless job apps.? I tried getting a job, not a career, just a J.O.B. at a chain pet store. They had 36 pages of the stupidest questions ever. Would you ever get mad at a co-worker? Would you ever get angry at a customer? Is the customer always right? Would you ever steal from your employer? By the time I hit page 16 I realized I had lied more than I had ever lied in my entire life. There is no right answers to these questions. I realize that they are in place to weed out certain people, who I don't know. But really no one and I mean NO ONE is that perfect. Do I think I have a temper? No I don't, but do my children think I have a temper? Sure they think I'm the wicked witch of the Northeast. But what really makes me mad is that some teenager is going to breeze through that 36 pages of questions, lying the whole way, without a care in the world and get that job washing dogs. All the while I'll still be trying to fill out these forms and struggling with my conscience.

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